Bachelor Programs in Azerbaijan 2025
Western Caspian University
Bachelor in International Relations
- Baku, Azerbaijan
Full time
4 years
English, Azerbaijani, Russian
The Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations is a full-time multidisciplinary program that introduces students to the study of relationships between state actors in the international system and their interactions with inter-governmental organizations and corporations.
Western Caspian University
Bachelor in Ecology
- Baku, Azerbaijan
Full time
4 years
English, Azerbaijani
The purpose of the Ecology programme is to train high-level specialists in the field of ecology. As per curriculum requirements students develop a new technosphere, evaluate technical innovations at the socio-ecological level, determine their compliance with the laws of the biosphere, study the universe, use theoretical and experimental methods in physics, fundamental constants in natural sciences, and the principles of symmetry and energy conservation. They will learn methods for chemical determination of substances. Students will be able to simultaneously implement project documents and schedules, apply rules of design to technical schemes and drawings, using modern programmes, classify wastes from petrochemical production, have detailed knowledge of the creation of closed water supply systems, environmental protection, neutralisation of gas emissions, efficient use of resources principles, ecological expertise, etc.
Western Caspian University
Bachelor in Information Technologies
- Baku, Azerbaijan
Full time, Part time
4 years
Information technology is a set of methods, production processes and hardware/software tools that regulate the use of information resources, ensure the collection, processing, storage, transmission, and integration of information in a technological chain in order to increase its reliability and efficiency. Computer specialists are referred to as IT specialists.
Azerbaijan University Of Architecture And Construction
Bachelor of Construction - Economy
- Baku, Azerbaijan
Full time
Russian, Azerbaijani
At present moment there are 676 full – time and 79 correspondence bachelor’s degree students, 46 full – time and 14 correspondence master’s degree students and 12 Ph.D.s carry out scientific research.
Azerbaijan University Of Architecture And Construction
Bachelor of Construction
- Baku, Azerbaijan
Full time
Russian, Azerbaijani
Faculty trains specialists on “Construction Engineering” specialty on the bachelor and master degrees. Most of the professor and teachers staffs are well – known specialists and scientists in the field of building and installations planning, calculation and planning of building constructions, organization, and management, technology of construction production, management and expertise of premises.
University at Baku Eurasian University
Bachelor in Tourism and Hospitability
- Baku, Azerbaijan
Training of personnel is conducted in accordance with the requirements in bachelor degree for Tourism and hospitability specialization in Baku Eurasian University.
University at Baku Eurasian University
Bachelor of Business Administration
- Baku, Azerbaijan
Training of personnel is conducted in accordance with the requirements in bachelor degree for Business Administration specialization in Baku Eurasian University.
Khazar University
BS in Computer Science
- Baku, Azerbaijan
Full time
4 years
The program gets the student right into the depths of knowledge on computer programming, digital design, computer hardware and architecture, software, and multi-dimensional interconnectedness between hardware and software. The program-associated comprehensive curriculum covers a diverse study area – from discrete mathematics, applied linear algebra, physics, and studies on probability, to operating systems, fundamentals and practicality of computer programming, artificial intelligence studies, object-oriented programming languages, and many more.
Khazar University
BS in Petroleum Engineering
- Baku, Azerbaijan
Full time
4 years
This program provides advanced training for prospective petroleum engineering professionals to enable them to create and apply innovative technologies in drilling, production, and reservoir engineering, while efficiently enhancing their knowledge and skills in the process of finding positive solutions to a range of different environmental issues related to the petroleum industry as well as energy consumption in general.
Nakhchivan University
Bachelor in Chemistry and Biology Teaching
- Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan
Full time
The specialty of chemistry and biology is one of the most qualified programs at “Nakhchivan” University. For students enrolled in this field, there are well equipped educational labs and electronic signboards and other modern equipment, which enable students to do various research. for detailed information: [email protected]
Azerbaijan University Of Architecture And Construction
Bachelor of Mechanics and Information Technology
- Baku, Azerbaijan
Full time
Russian, Azerbaijani
The main purpose of the faculty is training of highly qualified personnel on various directions: civil and industrial, hydro-technical and reclamation fields, mechanization and automation of technological processes in transportation construction and exact choice of machines and mechanisms, equipment, auto control systems, secure control, reasonable exploitation, as well as training of specialists in the field of informational technology and telecommunication.
University at Baku Eurasian University
Bachelor in International Relations
- Baku, Azerbaijan
Training of personnel is conducted in accordance with the requirements in bachelor degree for International Relations specialization in Baku Eurasian University.
Khazar University
BA in International Relations
- Baku, Azerbaijan
Full time
4 years
When you study towards your Bachelor of Arts Degree in International Relations, you will be discovering plenty on international politics, international security, and emerging security challenges. On offer, we have a range of academic modules that will allow you to be well equipped in effectively tackling any issue in the field from theoretical and practical perspectives. War and peace, trade and development, east and west, north and south, foreign policymaking, conventional and public diplomacies, and many different conceptual understandings of the matter in focus – these are what we are going to be studying in our class.
Nakhchivan University
Bachelor in Physical Education and Sports Teaching
- Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan
Full time
We consider that our prospective students with pedagogical formation are going to help to create healthy populations by introducing and endearing the scientific and social aspects of the sport to a wide range of people. Sport is the unique field which is associated with all branches of science. for detailed information: [email protected]
Azerbaijan State University of Economics
Bachelor in Business Administration and Management
- Baku, Azerbaijan
Full time
4 years
This course program offers a challenging variety of courses intended to give students a well-rounded background in all aspects of operating a business. The program helps students develop critical-thinking, problem-solving, leadership, and other skills that will serve them on the job today as well as become a foundation for lifelong learning.