文星芸術大学of Art was founded in 1999 in Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Prefecture, with the aim of realizing advanced art education, with five principles and ideals. Manga, an excellent medium that conveys the emotions of characters by understanding the story just by looking at the pictures, is one of the Japanese cultures that are enjoyed all over the world, even for foreigners with different languages and customs. Now that internationalization is finally required, it is very meaningful to nurture young people who can disseminate Japanese art culture such as design and art, including manga.
文星芸術大学of Art is located here in Tochigi Prefecture. This small university has done a lot of business in collaboration with local people, companies and local governments. One of the strengths of this university is that it has roots in the community and is growing together.
- Utsunomiya
栃木県宇都宮市上戸祭4-8-15, 320-0058, Utsunomiya