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Ca' Foscari University of Venice


Fondata come prima scuola di business in Italia nel 1868, Ca' Foscari University of Venice è oggi un'istituzione multidisciplinare che offre una vasta gamma di programmi di studio in economia e gestione, lingue moderne, scienze umane e scienze.

Ca' Foscari ha sede nella maestosa città di Venezia. Con canali e barche invece di strade e automobili, il centro storico di questa città davvero singolare è stato un luogo vivace di scambio culturale ed economico per oltre un millennio, e la bellezza della sua arte e architettura l'ha resa un sito patrimonio mondiale dell'UNESCO. Grazie alla stimolante eredità culturale del suo dinamico contesto cosmopolita, Ca' Foscari si caratterizza per l'incrocio sinergico tra tradizione e innovazione intellettuale, e offre ai suoi studenti e professori l'opportunità unica di imparare e lavorare in una delle città più straordinarie del mondo.

Venezia è una città nel nord-est Italia e la capitale della regione del Veneto. Si trova su un arcipelago situato in una laguna poco profonda che comprende oltre 100 isole collegate da ponti. Poiché i canali sostituiscono le strade, la gente si muove in città a piedi e in barca. Venezia è infatti la più grande città moderna senza auto d'Europa.

La città è caratterizzata da una ricchezza di splendida architettura storica e arte perché la storica Repubblica di Venezia era un fiorente porto commerciale e grande potenza marittima durante il Medioevo e il Rinascimento, così alcuni dei siti della città sono inclusi nella lista del patrimonio mondiale dell'UNESCO.

Oltre al suo passato colorato, tuttavia, Venezia ha un presente altrettanto vivace, perché continua ad essere un centro di arte e cultura contemporanea.

Vivere nel centro storico di Venezia significa vivere uno stile di vita attento all'ambiente. Per la necessità di camminare nella maggior parte dei luoghi, gli spazi pubblici della città diventano centri sociali. Infatti, uno dei momenti più attesi della giornata di uno studente veneziano è il cosiddetto aperitivo in campo: dal pomeriggio fino a tarda sera, aree come Campo Santa Margherita e l'Erbarìa di Rialto diventano luoghi in cui la gente si riunisce per chiacchierare e ascoltare musica mentre bevono spritz e mangiano cicchetti - il tradizionale aperitivo per cui Venezia è famosa.

Read more on the institution's website

Ca' Foscari in numbers

23,000+ students 1,500+ new international students each year5+ bachelor’s degrees taught in English15+ master’s degrees taught in English1 European university alliance (EUTOPIA)60+ joint/double degree combinations500+ student exchange programmes10,000+ internship agreements in Italy andaround the world

    Ca’ Foscari University of Venice’s study offer is divided into 8 Departments responsible for research and teaching activities of Bachelor’s and Master’s. The department of management has just achieved the renowned EQUIS accreditation and has become the Venice School of Management.

    Ca' Foscari also boasts the presence of the prestigious Collegio Internazionale (International College) and other three structures that improve the quality of the university:

    • Ca' Foscari Graduate School, which coordinates Research Doctorates (PhDs).
    • Ca’ Foscari Challenge School, which organizes Professional Master’s Programmes (1st and 2nd level) and other opportunities for executive education.
    • Ca’ Foscari School for International Education, which promotes intensive summer and autumn courses, orientation programs, foundation year programs, and other extracurricular activities for Italian and international students.

    Dedicated to providing students with a stimulating, competitive, and cutting-edge education, Ca’ Foscari has created an extensive academic network of partner universities that spans the globe, and as a result, it offers a variety of joint and double bachelor’s and master’s degrees and has over 500 active international exchange agreements. As a consequence of the University’s dedication to nurturing an international academic community, Ca’ Foscari also offers a significant number of study programs taught in English.

      To check the requirements, access the application platform and look at the pages of the programmes you are interested in


      For new bachelor’s students enrolling in English- or Italian-taught programmes:

      For new master’s students enrolling in English- or Italian-taught programmes:

      • 20 Ca’ Foscari Honours Scholarships: 10,000 euro per year, renewable for a second year

      These scholarship packages are designed to offer support for the full duration of an award winner's degree. To be eligible to apply, you will need a minimum 8.5/10 CGPA. Complete information about the requisites at the dedicated webpage.

      The regional government also offers financial aid for international students from low-income families for which you can apply after enrolment.

      Globally, the QS world university rankings place Ca’ Foscari among the world’s top 100 universities for Hospitality and leisure Management, History and Modern Languages, the top 150 for Anthropology, Archaeology, Philosophy and Theology Divinity and Religious Studies, and the top 200 for Economics & Econometrics, Geography and Linguistics.

      EFMD Equis Accredited

      10 good reasons to choose Ca’ Foscari:

      1 - Ca’ Foscari offers excellence in both teaching and research. We are recognised by the QS World University Rankings as being among the best institutions in 15 different subject areas. We also have an EQUIS-accredited business school that offers innovative programmes in the field of management.
      2 - We’re based in the heart of Venice, a UNESCO World Heritage city. With its student population and its year-round calendar of events, Venice offers a vibrant, cosmopolitan lifestyle.
      3 - The high-quality education we offer as a public university is subsidised by the Italian government, which means that our degrees are affordable. To make choosing Ca’ Foscari even more manageable, we offer scholarships for high-achieving
      international students.
      4 - We are proud to be Italy’s top university for internationalisation. We teach more than 40 languages and facilitate cultural studies of all kinds. Thanks to our many degrees entirely taught in English, we have a university community that
      includes students from over 75 countries.
      5 - We are a modern, forward-looking institution in every way. Our faculty and researchers are committed to impactful research that addresses the many global challenges facing us today, and our policies make sustainability in all of its forms an institutional priority.

      6 - At Ca’ Foscari, we encourage you to design a tailor-made educational experience. We offer ways to personalise your learning, such as transversal study minors to help you expand your horizons and the possibility of learning and getting professional experience abroad. You can even take additional courses that interest you, free of charge.

      7 - Your career is top of mind even before you begin your degree, so we offer opportunities and services to start building your future while you study. Our degrees incorporate a curricular internship that allows you to gain university credit. Our Career Service is always at your disposal, offering help with your CV and interview skills, and arranging interviews with international
      and Italian employers

      8 - Thanks to our amazing university community, events and initiatives, you benefit from – and end up contributing to – an enriching and stimulating student life that is animated by culture and sports. You might like to learn how to dragon boat, or perhaps you’d like to help run our international Short Film Festival. There is something for everyone.

      9 - Once you get here, we work hard to help you get settled in. You’ll surely make use of our International Office, which organises and coordinates a dedicated International Welcome Week packed with social events and a Buddy Programme. Our Housing Office can assist you in finding suitable accommodations, and our various tutors will be ready to help with anything related to your academic experience.
      10 - It couldn’t be easier to apply. Our whole application procedure takes place on a dedicated platform and there is no need to send us your physical documents during the evaluation process.

      Student Life

      Few other universities offer the opportunity to study and carry out research in one of the world’s most beautiful cities, a very unique city, where you can wander for hours and even enjoy getting lost, have a Spritz in one of Venice beautiful squares, visit the world-famous museums and exhibitions, travel by boat through the smaller islands of the lagoon, enjoy the Lido beaches and taste delicious food.

      At Ca' Foscari, cultural tradition and intellectual innovation are able to come together: living in Venice is living art, architecture, development, research, attention to the environment, and discovering ancient traditions and different cultures.

      Furthermore, Ca’ Foscari guarantees students a well-rounded study experience through its provision of a large variety of sports activities and student associations:

      • Erasmus Student Network (ESN) – With over 12,000 members from 36 countries, the Erasmus Student Network supports and promotes international networking by providing students with opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development according to the principle of students helping students.
      • University Sports Centre (CUS) – The CUS offers students the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of sports thanks to its facilities in the historic center of Venice.
      • Radio Ca’ Foscari – Created by students of Ca’ Foscari, the university’s online radio station is an immensely popular means of communication. Interesting students can take part in its operation on the basis of their individual skills and experience.
      • University Choir and Orchestra – For more than twenty-five years Ca’ Foscari’s choir and orchestra have been offering students the opportunity to explore and foster their love for music. The groups’ repertoires change from year to year and range from medieval to contemporary pieces.
      • Shylock University Theatre Centre (CUT) – Shylock is a cultural association aimed at promoting technical-artistic innovation in the field of theatrical performance. It organizes training and experimental workshops, hosts visiting productions and shows, and carries out research and production projects.

      Plus, if you choose to live in Venice's historic center, you'll surely enjoy living locally and sustainably thanks to the fact that distances are manageable and there are no cars or traffic to compete with.

      Ca’ Foscari assists students during their entire University career by offering a range of loans, grants, and bursaries through its Financial Aid Office. Tailor-made support is available to international students, students who work, and students with disabilities.


      Ca’ Foscari’s Housing Office is a service for Italian and international students, researchers, professors, and administrative staff coming to study or work at Ca’ Foscari. It offers useful information and contacts to find suitable and convenient accommodation solutions in Venice and in the nearby area.

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      • Venice

        Economic Campus Fondamenta S. Giobbe, 873, 30121 Venezia VE, Italy, 30121, Venice

      • Venice

        Linguistic Campus, Sestiere Dorsoduro, 3246, Venezia VE, Italy, 30123, Venice

      • Venice

        Humanistic Campus Malcanton Marcorà, Dorsoduro 3484/D, 30123, Venice

      • Mestre

        Scientific Campus, V. Torino, 155, Mestre, Venezia VE, Italy, 30170, Mestre

      • Venice

        Venice School of Management Fondamenta S. Giobbe, 873, Venezia VE, Italy, 30121 , Venice

      • Treviso

        Treviso Campus Palazzo San Paolo, Riviera Santa Margherita 76, 31100, Treviso

      • Roncade

        H-Farm Campus, Via Adriano Olivetti, 1, Roncade TV, Italy, 31056, Roncade

      Ca' Foscari University of Venice