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Corvinus University of Budapest BSc in Business and Management
Corvinus University of Budapest

BSc in Business and Management

Budapest, Hungary

7 Semesters


Full time

Request application deadline

Sep 2023

EUR 3,000 / per semester *


* per semester for non-EEA applicants


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  • Department responsible for the program: Institute for the Development of Enterprises
  • Program instructor: Dr. Aranyossy Márta
  • Bachelor's degree program: Business and Management
  • Specialization: Economic Science
  • Program time in semesters: 7 semesters
  • Program language: English
  • Site/Location: Budapest
  • Division: Full time
  • Program Type: Normal

Interactive class discussions, group work, student projects and presentations, case studies, and other business problem-solving scenarios will become part of your daily life once you join the course! The focus is on the diverse management challenges in today’s business environment that graduates will face from the very beginning. There is a strong demand from multinational companies for our Business and Management fresh graduates and not only that, but the program is internationally EPAS (European Program Assessment System) accredited. Don’t miss out on this opportunity! Apply now!

Tuition fee: 760 000 HUF (≈2300 EUR) per semester for EEA applicants, 3000 EUR per semester for non-EEA applicants.

The level of qualification attainable in the Bachelor's program, and the title of the certification

  • Qualification level: bachelor (baccalaureus, abbreviation: BSc).
  • Qualification in Hungarian: közgazdász gazdálkodási és menedzsment alapképzési szakon.
  • Qualification in English: Economist in Business Administration and Management.

The number of credits to be completed for the Bachelor's degree: 180+30 credits

  • Degree orientation: practice-oriented (60-70 percent).
  • The minimum credit value of the comprehensive extra-institution practical training: 30 credits, credit value of the thesis: 10 credits.
  • The minimum credit value of optional courses: 10 credits.

International Standard Classification of Education field of education code: 345

Bachelor's degree training objectives

The objective of the program is the training of economic experts who, in possession of their economic, applied economic, and methodological knowledge and the knowledge attained in specializations are capable of understanding, planning, and analyzing the operating processes of business organizations and institutions. After attaining practical knowledge and experience, they are capable of managing and organizing business and entrepreneurial activities and processes. They are prepared to continue their training at the Master’s level.

Attained professional competences

The economist with the Business and Management undergraduate degree has knowledge

  • Knows the basic, comprehensive concepts, theories, facts, national and international economy interrelationships regarding relevant economic actors, functions, and processes.
  • Has studied the basic theories and characteristics of the micro and macro levels of economy, possesses the basic information-gathering, mathematical, and statistical analytic methods.
  • Knows the rules and ethical norms of cooperation in a project, team, work organization, and managing projects.
  • Knows the principles and methods regarding the creation of organizations and institutions and the creation and modification of their structure and organizational behavior.
  • Knows and understands the principles and methods of managing, organizing, and operating business processes, the methodology of analyzing business processes, and the methodological bases of decision preparation and decision support.
  • Knows the bases of other specializations (engineering, legal, environmental, quality assurance, etc.) related to the specialist field.
  • Possesses basic managerial and organizational skills and skills for the preparation, initiation, and management of funding small and medium enterprises.
  • Is knowledgeable about IT and office automation tools that support the operation of organizations and economic processes.
  • Has learned the written and oral forms of professional and efficient communication, and the spreadsheet and graphic methods of presenting data.
  • Possesses the basic technical terminology of economics in the mother tongue and in at least one foreign language.

The economist with the Business and Management undergraduate degree has skills

  • Plans and organizes business activities and projects manage and control small enterprises and businesses.
  • Can uncover, systemize, and analyze facts and basic interrelationships by utilizing the studied theories and methods, can formulate independent deductions and critiques, makes decision-preparation suggestions, and makes decisions in routine and partially unknown – Hungarian or international – environments.
  • Follows and interprets international and world economy business processes, changes in economic policy and in policies and laws relevant to his/her professional specialization, their effects, and considers these in analyses, suggestions, and decisions.
  • Is capable of determining the complex consequences of economic processes and organizational events.
  • Can use the techniques of solving economic problems, problem-solving methods, considering their applications and limits.
  • Is capable of cooperating with representatives of other specializations.
  • Participates in projects, group work, and after attaining practical knowledge and experience, manages, organizes, evaluates, and controls activity in them as a leader.
  • After attaining practical knowledge and experience, is capable of leading small and medium enterprises or organizational units of business organizations.
  • Presents professional suggestions, formulated in a conceptually and theoretically correct way in an oral or written form, in Hungarian or in foreign languages, according to the rules of professional communication.
  • Is capable of using a professional foreign language at an intermediate level.

The economist with the Business and Management undergraduate degree has attitudes

  • Demonstrates a problem-sensitive, proactive behavior for quality work; is constructive, cooperative, and takes initiative in project and group work.
  • Is open to new information, new professional knowledge and methodologies, and performing new tasks and tasks that require cooperation. Strives to improve knowledge and work relationships and to cooperate with colleagues in this.
  • Is open to changes in the economic and social environment of the job, work organization, or enterprise; strives to follow and understand changes.
  • Is open to the opinions of others, to sectoral, regional, national, and European values (including social, ecological, and sustainability considerations).
  • Accepts and recognizes the importance of career planning.
  • Strives for lifelong learning in the working life and outside of it.

The economist with the Business and Management undergraduate degree has autonomy and responsibilities

  • Performs and organizes the tasks defined in his/her job description independently, with general professional oversight.
  • Takes responsibility for analyses, conclusions, and decisions made.
  • Leads organize, manage organizational units and workgroups in business organizations or enterprises and minor business organizations, taking responsibility for the organization and the employees.
  • Organises manages, and controls business activities in business organizations, in business jobs according to his/her training.
  • Takes responsibility for observing professional, legal, and ethical norms and rules regarding work and behavior.
  • As a member of projects, group work, and organizational units, performs the assigned tasks independently and responsibly.
  • Does presentations and moderates debates independently. Participates in the work of professional forums inside and outside the business organization independently and responsibly.

Professional properties

The scientific fields and areas that the training is based on are:

  • Economy, methodology, and business skills [Mathematics, Statistics, Informatics, Micro and Macro Economics, International Economics, Finance, Corporate Economics, Economic Law, Marketing, Accounting Management, Business Communication, Terminology, Environmental Economics, other basic business studies] 80-90 credits;
  • Social science studies (European Union Studies, General and Financial Law Studies, Economic History, Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy) 10-20 credits;
  • Business and management professional studies (Corporate Finance, Accounting Analysis, Human Resource Management, Marketing Management, Management and Administration, Management of Value-Creating Processes, Decision Theory and Methodology, Controlling, Business Ethics, Strategic Planning, Production Management, Process, and Quality Management, Human Resource Management, Team Management, Public Management, Organisation Methodology, Information Management, optional specialization) 70-90 credits.

The credit value of special studies in fields necessary for the needs of an economist with business administration and management studies in the entirety of the program is a maximum of 30 credits.

Foreign language requirements

To obtain an undergraduate degree, one must have at least one intermediate "B2” complex type state-recognized foreign language examination, professional foreign language examination recognized in the relevant field of study or state-recognized upper level (C1) complex type general foreign language examination or an equivalent high school graduation certificate or diploma is required.

Internship requirements

The duration of the internship is 12 weeks (400 hours for full-time courses, 200 hours for part-time courses) of contiguous training.

About the School


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