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Czech College BA (Hons) Business Management
Czech College

BA (Hons) Business Management

3 Years


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EUR 4,950 / per year



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Business Law

Law consists of several areas that can impact on business such as consumer legislation and employment law. But businesses are also exposed to areas such as contract law and external relationship with suppliers that have legal implication. This module examines these areas and their impact and by the end of the module students will have an understanding of the areas that need to be monitored and managed.

Business Planning and Goal Setting

Every business needs a plan. Every business needs goals. A business needs to be clear where it wants to go, what its objectives are and how it is going to get there. This module will take students through the planning process. When, how and why By the end of the module students will understand goal setting and be able to set their own goals and also know how to weave them in to a business plan.

Culture and the Organisation

An organisations culture is often defined as “the way we do things in our organisation”. Culture derives from the background of the business, its customers, the market it is in but most of all from the people in the organisation. Management style and how people respond to that management style helps shape culture and this module explores these areas. By the end of the module students will understand how culture is formed and the impact it can have on an organisation.

Customers and Customer Service

Customers are the lifeblood of a business. They can be external customers who purchase products or services from the company and they can be internal customers who trade services with each other within an organisation. Either way customers must be serviced and supported in the best way possible to ensure that they have their needs fulfilled in the most effective and efficient way possible. This module examines these areas and by the end of the module students will fully understand the importance of this aspect of a business.

Developing Personal Skills

In business and management that are many skills to be learnt. They are not only knowledge and understanding of business but also knowledge and understanding of the people you with. This module looks at some of these skills such as communication, influencing, listening. By the end of the module students will recognise the need to develop these skills and will be aware of the various techniques available to improve them.

Effective Communication

Communication is an important human interaction. It can take place in many ways both verbal and non-verbal but it needs to be understood, clear and effective. This module looks at different methods of communication and the context in which they may be used and by the end of the module students will have learned how to improve their own communication techniques.

Financial Management and Control

A useful way to learn is to review case studies around the issue at hand. There are many case studies available in finance that can record what has happened and how different organisations have responded to various issues of cash flow, liquidity and balance sheet debt. This module examines some of these cases and illustrates best practice in addressing financial issues. By the end of the module, students will understand some of the fundamental approaches to financial problems.

Fundamentals of Accounting

Keeping accurate and up to date financial records is an absolute essential for a business. It is not only a legal requirement but it is information that a manager cannot do without in planning and making decisions. This module identifies the main areas that a manager needs to be aware of and understand and by the end of the module students will be able to take new financial skills into the workplace.

Managing Ethically

Exactly what are business ethics and why are they important? Is it possible to be unethical and successful or is it possible to be successful and ethical. This module explores these areas and looks at how a company can balance its culture and develop operations and systems that do not disadvantage anyone. By the end of the module, students will have been exposed to various models for evaluation.

Managing in Today’s World

Managers today have to manage in a state of constant flux and change and it is important to understand the underpinning fundamentals and how this constant change can and needs to be managed. The module explores the constants as well as the variables and by the end of the module, students will have a refined set of skills that can assist in the understanding of the management process.

Marketing and Sales Planning

Selling the end product is what business is finally judged on and in this era of new marketing and selling pathways it is vital that students understand the importance of the marketing plan and the vital sales skills that need to run alongside. By the end of this module, students will understand the importance of marketing and have learned techniques to improve both their marketing skills and their selling skills.

Organization Structures

Different organisations need to structure themselves in different ways for different reasons. It may depend on their product or their market or even the culture that they wish to develop. This module examines and analyses different organisation structures and their different contexts. By the end of the module, students will understand why organisations need to be structured in specific ways.

Performance Management

Performance management is concerned with the management of staff. How they do their jobs. Their efficiency and their effectiveness. This module looks at the ways of measuring and improving performance and how a manager can oversee the processes and structures that need to be in place. By the end of the module, students will understand the need for and use of these techniques to help improve performance.

Politics and Business

One of the great external influences on business is politics. It imposes itself in many ways via legislation, consumer protection, taxation policies and many other more local policies such as travel and planning regulation. This module examines the various areas that need to be understood by a business to allow it to plan its operations around regulation and controls that exist. By the end of the module, students will understand the impact of politics on business and be able to factor the influences into the business plan.

Practical Accounting Analysis

The accounts of a business can tell you so much about the health of that business, how profitable they are, how effectively they are using their financial resources and how strong they are, financially. This module will introduce students to a range of analytical techniques and calculations that can be undertaken to assess the financial strength of a business and by the end of the module, students will be able to use these techniques.

Quantitative Skills

Managers often have to undertake basic calculations and maths concerned with areas such as sales levels, statistical facts or comparative studies. These skills are often overlooked within the manager's toolkit but they are nevertheless requisite skills. This module covers some basic quantitative techniques and by the end of the module students will understand the need for and know how to use such skills.

Strategic Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management is about people. How you select them, how you develop them, how you reward them and how you retain them. This module explores both the legal aspects of employing people but also the interpersonal aspect of ensuring the organisation uses them to the best of their ability.

The Business Environment

A Business does not operate in isolation. There are pressures acting on it from all sides in many ways and both internally and externally. This module explores some of these areas and looks at things such as political pressure, consumer pressure and the pressures of change. By the end of the module, students will understand the impact of these things on a business and be aware of the need to plan around them.

The Entrepreneurial Manager

What is an Entrepreneur and can you develop the skills? There are many definitions and many views about the identifiable skills inherent in an entrepreneur. This module explores some of the opinions and ideas surrounding entrepreneurship and by the end of the module, students will have a broad understanding of the profile.

The Marketing Mix

The classic definition of the marketing mix is “The 4 P’s”. Product, price, place, promotion. There are various derivative models arising from this classic definition and this module will examine the areas of marketing the comprise “the mix”. This allows planning around an organisations marketing strategy and by the end of the module students will understand the elements of the product, service and operations that need to be factored into the marketing plan.

Program Admission Requirements

Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.

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