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Instituto Politécnico de Viseu – Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Viseu (ESTGV)

THE School of Technology and Management Viseu (ESTGV) meets form, the upper level technicians qualified in carecidos sectors in its area of ​​influence and promote research and development activities, aiming at the link between higher education and business, as a contribution to solving regional problems.

Missão e Valores The School of Technology and Management Viseu (ESTGV) is an organic unity of teaching and research integrated in the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu (IPV). It was created by Decree-Law No. 46/85 of 22 November and the Management course the first to operate in the academic year 1987/1988.

The ESTGV while higher education institution, is a center for creation, dissemination and transmission of culture, science and technology, coordinating their activities in the fields of education, vocational training, research and service to the community. The ESTGV governed by quality standards that ensure adequate training to community needs in which it operates.

The ESTGV pursuing its objectives in the general fields of science, particularly in the fields of engineering, technology and management to:

the training of professionals with a high level of preparedness in the human aspect, cultural, scientific and technical; Carrying out fundamental and applied research activities; The provision of community services in a perspective of mutual appreciation, in their specific policy areas; Cultural, scientific and technical exchanges with similar institutions or to provide similar goals; A contribuição, no seu âmbito de atividades, para o desenvolvimento da região em que se insere e do país, da cooperação internacional e da compreensão entre os povos.

The duties of ESTGV:

The realization of courses of study leading to the degree of Bachelor and Master, as well as other post-secondary courses, under the law; The completion of postgraduate courses, specialization, updating and retraining creditable with appropriate certification or diplomas; The organization and cooperation on extension activities, cultural, scientific or technical;

The orientation and conducting research and development activities. With a view to carrying out its duties, the ESTGV can establish agreements, arrangements and cooperation agreements with public or private organizations, national, foreign or international.

  • Viseu

    Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Viseu Campus Politécnico



Instituto Politécnico de Viseu – Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Viseu (ESTGV)