Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Studies
Nicosia, Cyprus
4 Years
Full time
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Distance Learning, On-Campus
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Business Studies encompasses a wide range of subjects, enabling students to design a flexible program of study with up to three areas of concentration. The degree provides students with practical business skills in accounting, finance, human resource management, strategy, change management, and quantitative and qualitative tools of analysis, as well as offering insight into different business sectors and their broader economic and regulatory environments.
Objectives & Outcomes
General Objectives
- To develop the student’s capacity to think, analyse and process information in an innovative and creative way
- To develop an awareness, respect and appreciation of the social, moral and ethical values as the main principles of one’s relationship towards others and to the community;
- To develop the students analytical, critical thinking, decision-making and communication competencies that will help promote their personal achievement and contribution to organizations;
- To build breadth of perspective through the general education requirements and provide sufficient specialization to meet basic professional and career requirements;
- To provide the student with the necessary requirements for academic and/or career advancements.
Specific Objectives
- To provide students with a foundation in Business Studies in terms of theory and practice;
- To allow students to choose two or three areas of concentration rather than the usual single major, and to offer students the opportunity to develop special programs of study that meet specific career goals not covered by other majors;
- The main attention is directed to the skills and knowledge required by the profession
- To assist the students in developing leadership, which can be used to motivate employees and also in reaching solutions to problems relating to Business enterprise
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the Business Studies program students should be able to:
- Demonstrate their ability to communicate effectively in business through speaking, writing, and electronic means
- Demonstrate their ability to work in teams and work effectively within them.
- Illustrate their awareness and capability to analyse of environmental, economic, social, political, legal, and ethical nature including their impact on individuals and businesses.
- Describe the application of manual and computer-based quantitative and qualitative tools and methodologies in identifying and solving problems and making decisions in business situations.
- Critically evaluate and apply concepts, techniques, strategies, and theories from any appropriate discipline in business contexts.
- Differentiate between contexts of various sectors of business and adapt to them models and techniques of analysis, planning and decision making.
- Demonstrate awareness of the major functions of business and their contribution to value creation.
- Demonstrate their ability to analyze competitors and formulate strategies and tactics to build competitive advantage.
- Describe ways to initiate and implement innovation and change programs working in interdisciplinary teams.
- Demonstrate their skills in developing a holistic perspective of the interconnected internal and external factors and make critical assessment of their impact on business.
Employment Opportunities
Management, Sales, Project Coordination, Business Start-up.
Careers & Employment
The Graduates of the program Business Studies deal with the management and organization of companies that are active in the entire spectrum of the modern economy (industry, providing services etc.). More specifically, the Graduate’s purpose is to identify and solve problems of the everyday operation of a business (general organization and administration, financial and accounting situation, personnel administration). Also, the Graduates plan strategies and actions to be followed by a business in order to increase the effectiveness and efficiency as much as possible.
- Teamwork
- Communication skills
- Problem solving
- Excellent computer skills
- Anthropocentric spirit
Employment sectors
- Bank
- Insurance
- Investment
- Educational
- Advisory
- Non-profit
- Retail
- Structural
- Health
- Tourism
- Industrial
- Advertising
- Technology
- Telecommunications
Career choices
- Business Consultant
- Bank
- Professor
- Administrative Officer
- Advertiser
- Executive at Human resources department
- Officer Of Public Relations and Marketing
- Seller
- Insurance advisor
- Estate agent
Graduate / Professional Studies
International organizations may request as additional academic qualifications a Master of Business Administration (MBA).
For a career in academia and in higher education, it is desirable to have a doctorate (Ph.D.) which also offers experience and skills directly linked to research.
Work Experience Program - European University Cyprus
The work experience of the Career Center program enables third-year and fourth-year students with high academic achievements to work for three month period in positions appropriate to their field of study. The program enriches the curriculum of each participant, after acquiring work experience and Personal Evaluation of Competence of the organization in which he or she is placed. Some of the companies that participate in the program of Business Studies in which students were placed are:
- Abacus Ltd
- AC Nielsen
- Airtrans Group Ltd
- Alico AIG Life
- Aspen Trust
- Atlantis Consulting
- BKR Damianou & Partners
- Carob Mill Ltd
- Cyprus Trading Corporation Limited
- FBME BANK LTD (Federal Bank of the Middle East Ltd)
- Infocredit Group
- Lanitis E.C. Holfings Ltd
- Lanitis Freen Energy Group Ltd
- Liberty Life Insurance Company
- N.P. Lanitis Ltd
- New Nissan Cyprus Ltf
- TFI Markets
- Thomson Reuters
- MTN (Cyprus)
- GrantXpert Consulting Ltd
- Cyprus Department of Labour (Employment Market Section)
- WorkForce Cyprus
- RTD Talos
- Penta Marketing Art
- O. Shambartas LLC