Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with Specialization in Economics and Finance
Pineville, USA
4 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Sep 2024
USD 9,795 / per semester *
* 19 or more credit hours flat fee + $612 per credit hour for every hour over 18
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Learn to evaluate and improve business practices from a biblical worldview with sound scientific and financial knowledge while becoming a qualified, educated business manager with this business degree. Areas of study include recognizing and analyzing ethical problems, defending resolutions for practical situations in accounting, management, and marketing, and recognizing how domestic and global variables may impact organizational decision-making.
The Young School of Business has a mission of combining a full-time, teaching faculty with an academic program that challenges students in a community of learning. All courses are built on a biblical worldview. We believe this approach produces well-informed, ethically sensitive, and academically prepared graduates. The School has graduated hundreds who have succeeded in various managerial and leadership positions in the United States and overseas.
The School concentrates its resources on an undergraduate program that emphasizes teaching and a close, caring relationship with students. Learning and free inquiry from a Christian perspective provides an environment where students are encouraged to become sensitive and productive members of society, able to respond to the demands of a rapidly changing world. The central curriculum, required of all students in the University, provides a broad knowledge and understanding in the areas of the humanities, the natural sciences, and the social sciences. This central curriculum requirement combined with the business core curriculum, required all business students, to give students a solid foundation in the liberal arts as well as the business disciplines.
Program Outcome
The professional concentration provides specific skills for understanding and functioning in organizations and offers a basis for a lifetime of professional growth and development in a global environment. Therefore, students completing the business program at Louisiana Christian University are characterized by their:
- Sense of personal values and social responsibility developed through courses in values and business ethics.
- Creativity in decision-making enriched by participation in casework and business simulations.
- Oral and written communication ability strengthened by formal courses in communication and the opportunity to make formal and informal presentations.
- Analytical decision-making skills developed in courses using quantitative methods and problem-solving.
- Immediate productivity resulting from internships, real-world examples, and guest speakers who relate academic material to existing organizational problems.
- Interpersonal skills developed through working with groups in classes as well as social and professional organizations.
- Ability to succeed in graduate school because the focus of all faculty, physical, and financial resources on the teaching of undergraduates has resulted in solid, academic coursework.
All students in the division of business receive a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree. In the first two years, students take courses to meet the Central Curriculum and some of the Business Professional Core requirements. Students are required to select an area of specialization within the division. The Economics and Finance Specialization hours for the Third and Fourth years are included below.
Central Curriculum Requirements:
- CC 100 College Connection I
- CC 102 College Connection II
- CA 150 Modern Communication
- EN 101 Composition I
- EN 102 Composition II
- EN 200 Literary Perspectives: Survey of British Literature or
- EN 201 Literary Perspectives: Survey of American Literature
- EC 221 Principles of Macroeconomics
- ES 103 Introduction to Earth Science
- ES 104 Introduction to Earth Science Lab
- HP 100 Personal Fitness
- Health & Physical Education Activity 1 hr
- HI 104 Western Heritage
- HI 105 American Heritage
- CJ/HI/PS 225 American Government and Politics 3 hrs
- MA 211 Elementary Statistics
- RL 105 Survey of the Bible
- RL 106 Interpreting the Bible
- RL 305 Christian Worldview
- Spiritual and Cultural Enrichment CR (Every semester of full-time registration)
Fine Arts
(Choose one of the following)
- AR 200 Art Appreciation
- CM 250 Cinema Appreciation
- MU 200 Music Appreciation
- TH 200 Theatre Appreciation
Total: 3 hrs
Foreign Language
(Choose one of the following)
- FR 101 Elementary French I
- SP 101 Elementary Spanish I
- GK 223 Elementary Greek I
- HE 223 Elementary Hebrew I
Total: 3 hrs
(Choose one of the following)
- MA 101 Math for Liberal Arts
- MA 111 College Algebra
- MA 115 Precalculus
Total: 3 hrs
Total: 52 hrs
Business Administration Core
- AC 211 Accounting Principles I: Financial Accounting *
- AC 212 Accounting Principles II: Managerial Accounting
- BA 150 Survey of Business
- BA 200 Computer Business Applications
- BA 370 Business Ethics *
- BA 446 Commercial Law I
- BA 450 Management Policy and Strategy *
- CS 420 Management Information Systems
- EC 222 Principles of Microeconomics
- EC 337 Money and Banking
- EC 341 Managerial Finance *
- MG 334 Principles of Marketing *
- MG 350 Principles of Management and Organizational Behavior *
- MG 410 International Business
Business Core Elective
(Choose one of the following)
- AC 333 Cost Accounting *
- MG 355 Production and Operations Management *
- MG 390 Human Resource Management *
Total: 45 hrs
Economics Specializaton
- EC 330 Personal Financial Planning *
- EC 339 Investments *
- EC 415 Corporate Finance *
Economics Electives
- (Choose 12 hours from EC 445 and/or any upper-level EC course)
Total: 12 hrs
Total: 21 hrs
Free Electives
Total: 2 hrs
Total Degree Requirements: 120 hrs
Note: Courses marked with asterisk (*) will be counted in the Business Major GPA.
English Language Requirements
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