Bachelor in Business Administration
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Bachelor in Business Administration
In accordance with the mission statement of Missouri Baptist University and the academic program, the Business Administration discipline provides a broad-based curriculum designed to prepare students for professional careers.
Required Business (BUSN) course:
- BUSN 403 Business in a Global Environment 3 hrs
Total 3 hrs
Required Upper Division Electives:
From courses in Accounting, Business Administration, Computer Science, Information Systems, Information Technology, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Healthcare Management, Management, or Marketing not used as required courses or electives in another business division major (excluding general education and degree requirements)
Total Hours to Complete Major Requirements 58 hrs
- Students should pay careful attention to courses which are only offered once a year, or every other year (see course descriptions), so that graduation may occur in a timely manner.
- Students are encouraged to declare a second major before completing 60 hours.
MINOR: Business Administration (for Business Division Majors)
This minor is granted to all majors within the Business Division, except Business Administration, as a result of completing the Business Division Core.
MINOR: Business Administration (for Non-Business Division Majors)
The student must complete the following:
Required Accounting (ACCT) courses:
- ACCT 213 Principles of Financial Accounting 3 hrs
- ACCT 223 Principles of Managerial Accounting 3 hrs
- Required Business (BUSN) courses:
- BUSN 303 Business Ethics 3 hrs
Required English (ENGL) course:
- ENGL 433 Business Writing 3 hrs
Required Management (MGMT) course:
- MGMT 303 Management Concepts and Practices 3 hrs
Required Marketing (MRKT) course:
- MRKT 313 Introduction to Marketing 3 hrs
Total 18 hrs
Concentration in Business Administration
A minimum of 64 semester hours is required to earn the Associate of Science degree with a concentration in Business Administration, including the general education, business, and elective courses listed below.
Transfer credits will be accepted into this program from an accredited college or school up to a maximum of 42 semester hours of credit, up to 15 hours of which may be earned through credit by examination and/or portfolio assessment of prior learning. Portfolio credit is only available to those students who have completed a minimum of 12 semester hours in residency at Missouri Baptist University. Students must complete a minimum of 22 semester hours in residency at Missouri Baptist University to earn the Associate of Science degree.
A student must earn a grade of C or better in all major (business component) courses, and achieve an overall grade point average of 2.0 (C) or better for the awarding of the associate degree.
A total of 30 semester hours is required to earn the Business Certificate. Transfer credit will be accepted into this certificate program from an accredited college or school up to a maximum of 20 hours, up to 9 hours of which may be earned through credit by examination and/or portfolio assessment of prior learning. Portfolio credit is only available to those students who have completed a minimum of 12 semester hours in residency at Missouri Baptist University. Students must complete a minimum of 10 semester hours in residency at Missouri Baptist University to earn the Business Certificate.
A student must earn a grade of C or better in all courses taken to meet the Thirty-Hour Business Certificate requirements. The student must have an overall grade point average of 2.0 (C) or better for the awarding of the certificate.
Required Business Component:
- ACCT 213 Principles of Financial Accounting 3 hrs
- BCIS 103 Survey of Computing 3 hrs
- BUSN 303 Business Ethics 3 hrs
- BUSN 413 Business Law I 3 hrs
- ECON 113 Macroeconomics OR ECON 123 Microeconomics 3 hrs
- MGMT 303 Management Concepts and Practices 3 hrs
- MRKT 313 Introduction to Marketing 3 hrs
Total 21 hrs
Required electives: 9 hours from courses in Accounting, Business Administration, Computer Science, Information Systems, Information Technology, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management, or Marketing to total 30 semester hours.