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Princess Sumaya University For Technology : PSUT

Founded in 1991, Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PSUT) is the only private and non-profit university in Jordan. It is owned by the Royal Scientific Society (RSS), the foremost applied research center in Jordan. Like RSS, PSUT is part of El Hassan Science City located in Amman, Jordan. PSUT''s main mission is to educate students and qualify them to pursue careers in the fields of information and communications technology (ICT), electronics, computer engineering, communication engineering, and business.

PSUT offers Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degrees in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Computer Graphics and Animation, Networks and Information Security Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Communications Engineering, Power & Energy Engineering, MIS, Business Administration, E-marketing & Social Media, Accounting, Business Information Technology. Also, Masters of Science (M.Sc) degrees are conferred in Computer Science , Information System Security & Digital Criminology, Electrical Engineering, Data Science, Enterprise System Engineering, as well as Global Master of Business Administration (MBA) in collaboration with Lancaster University in the United Kingdom. PSUT offers also (Phd) degree in Computer Science.

  • Amman

    Khalil Al-Saket St, , Amman

    Princess Sumaya University For Technology : PSUT