Bachelor of Business Administration
Cape Town, South Africa
3 Years
Full time
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Blended, On-Campus
* Tuition fees at TSIBA Business School are supported by generous tuition scholarships which enable undergraduate students to contribute towards their education at relative levels of affordability.
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TSIBA Business School offers a unique accredited business degree in entrepreneurial leadership. In addition to the core business subjects which underpin excellent business education, this degree goes beyond by emphasizing leadership and entrepreneurship as fundamental building blocks to achieving success, adding value, and global citizenship.
The TSIBA Bachelor in Business Administration in entrepreneurial leadership degree (BBA) has Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) recognition and is offered via a blended mode of delivery providing students with a seamless academic experience in alignment with our ethos of providing exceptional business education and universal access to it.
Students in this program are also supported with tablet devices and data to enable the TSIBA blended learning experience.
Why study on this program?
The unique Bachelor of Business Administration in entrepreneurial leadership degree has been developed to address the industry need for employable graduates who:
- Understand formal business processes and systems and the integration of these.
- Have practical business experience and acumen, and are prepared to thrive in the digital economy.
- Have an entrepreneurial mindset.
- Think constructively and systemically with a solutions orientation.
- Are inspired to succeed, and to add value in the workplace.
- Are oriented toward social justice and determined to make transformative positive impacts in the world.
- Have very well-developed leadership and team skills and are emotionally intelligent.
- Understand the value of attitude and grit as essential components of long-term success.
Over 90% of TSIBA BBA graduates have secured aspirational employment or pursued postgraduate studies, including eight who have been awarded prestigious Mandela-Rhodes Scholarships. This qualification will prepare you for whichever business career and life purpose you chose to follow
Program accreditation
The TSIBA Bachelor of Business Administration is accredited at NQF Level 7, with 369 credits (SAQA ID 61469).
Degree overview
Year one
Year one consists of 10 semester courses and one year course, which are all compulsory; no electives are offered in the first year. The minimum duration for the completion of the degree is three years. Courses students are registered for:
- Leadership & Self Development
- Business Communication End User Computing (Incl Google G-Suite)
- Quantitative Business Applications
- Research
- Business Management 1
- Economics 1
- Financial Accounting
- Marketing
- Entrepreneurship 1
Year two
In Year Two, the student can select the Marketing or Finance stream. The curriculum consists of two compulsory year courses, six compulsory semester courses, and a choice of two or three elective semester courses, depending on whether the student selects the Finance stream. Each semester equivalent carries 10 credits to earn 120 credits towards the degree. All courses in the first semester are compulsory, with electives available in the second semester.
- Business Communication 2
- Entrepreneurship 2
- Leadership & Self Development 2
- Financial Management 2
- Human Resource Management 2
- Research 2
- Marketing Management 2
- Business Law 2
- E-marketing
- Financial Techniques & Analysis 2
- Investment Management
- Administration 2
- Business Management 2
- Operations Management 2
Year three
At the third-year level, students are expected to be able to integrate values, beliefs, feelings, rational observations, and analysis into an effective and authentic way of being in the world. In its final year, the TSIBA Bachelor of Business Administration consists of 4 compulsory semester courses, an internship, and one specialist exit level course, in the two streams (Finance and Marketing streams).
- Applied Finance 3
- Innovation & Knowledge Management 3
- Strategic Management 301
- Project Management 3
- Investment Management Administration 3
- Applied Strategic Management 302
- Leadership and Self Development 3
- Retail Marketing 3
- Individual Practical Project (Internship)
Program Outcome
Open up a world of opportunity
Students on the BBA program will experience world-class theoretical instruction, and the opportunity to apply to learn through a range of practical projects from campus, and with local and international hosting organizations. Project learning occurs through a blend of contact, synchronous (online face to face), and asynchronous (in your own time) learning methods, preparing our students for the digital world of work they will enter on graduation.