Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration (Spanish, English)
4 Years
English, Spanish
Full time
Request application deadline
Sep 2025
EUR 7,000 / per year *
* for non-European students | for EU students: € 1,500/year
The Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration is for students who are looking for quality training in the areas of business and public organizations, at the national and international level.
Through rigorous high-quality training, students acquire sound knowledge, skills, and abilities essential for problem-solving in their future careers.
This degree, highly competitive at the international level, can be pursued in a bilingual modality, English and Spanish, and encourages students to study abroad through the collaboration agreements it has with first-rate European and US universities.
Studies with English option
This bachelor's degree is taught in Spanish and English. Once you have been admitted, you will choose, at the time of enrollment, the language in which you will study by the following conditions:
- In groups in English, all work (classes, drills, exercises, tests, etc.) will be conducted in English.
- During the first year, it must establish an English B2 level, perform a test, and provide one of the supported official certificates or any way determined by the university. In the first weeks of the course will inform students how they can prove their level.
- The courses offered in English are in the studies program.
- In case there are more applications than places available in English, interested persons will be ranked according to their admission grade.
- If you are enrolled in English and exceed at least 50% of the credits offered at the UC3M, in the DS appears a mention of bilingual studies.
Year 1 - Semester 1
- Introduction to patrimonial law (6 ECTS)
- Information Skills (3 ECTS)
- Introduction to business administration (6 ECTS)
- Mathematics for Economics I (6 ECTS)
- Principles of Economics (6 ECTS)
- Writing and communication skills (3 ECTS)
Year 1 - Semester 2
- Accounting Introduction (6 ECTS)
- Economic History (6 ECTS)
- Mathematics for Economics II (6 ECTS)
- Microeconomics (6 ECTS)
- Statistics I (6 ECTS)
Year 2 - Semester 1
- Game Theory (6 ECTS)
- Macroeconomics (6 ECTS)
- Management Accounting (6 ECTS)
- Skills: Humanities (6 ECTS)
- Statistics II (6 ECTS)
Year 2 - Semester 2
- Commercial Law (6 ECTS)
- Econometrics (6 ECTS)
- Financial Economics (6 ECTS)
- Intermediate-Advanced knowledge of Spreadsheets (3 ECTS)
- Organization Behaviour (6 ECTS)
- Soft Skills (3 ECTS)
Year 3 - Semester 1
- Marketing (6 ECTS)
- Organizational Economics (6 ECTS)
Electives: Recommended 18 credits
Year 3 - Semester 2
- Financial Management (6 ECTS)
- Marketing Management (6 ECTS)
Electives: Recommended 18 credits
Year 4 - Semester 1
- Operations Management (6 ECTS)
- Strategic Management (6 ECTS)
Electives: Recommended 18 credits
Year 4 - Semester 2
- Bachelor Thesis (6 ECTS)
Electives: Recommended 24 credits
Electives to choose in 3rd and 4th year - First semester
At the end of your studies, you must have obtained a total of 78 credits of selectivity.
- Financial Accounting (6 ECTS)
- Antitrust Law (6 ECTS)
- Bank Management (6 ECTS)
- Consumer Behaviour (6 ECTS)
- Cross-cultural people management (6 ECTS)
- Data analytical techniques for business (6 ECTS)
- Digital Business (6 ECTS)
- Digital Marketing (6 ECTS)
- Entrepreneurship and small business management (6 ECTS)
- Financial systems and institutions (6 ECTS)
- Human resource management (6 ECTS)
- International Accounting (6 ECTS)
- International Trade (6 ECTS)
- Introduction to Data Mining for Business Intelligence (6 ECTS)
- Marketing and sales management (6 ECTS)
- Methods for quality control (6 ECTS)
- Organizational Design (6 ECTS)
- Professional Internships (18 ECTS)
- Spanish fiscal system (6 ECTS)
- The origins of the modern firm (6 ECTS)
Electives to choose in 3rd and 4th year - Second semester
At the end of your studies, you must have obtained a total of 78 credits of selectivity.
- Analysis of dynamic data (6 ECTS)
- Asset Valuation (6 ECTS)
- Big data for business (6 ECTS)
- Business finance law (6 ECTS)
- Business model and design thinking (6 ECTS)
- Digital Finances (6 ECTS)
- Family business management (6 ECTS)
- Financial and service marketing (6 ECTS)
- Financial statement analysis (6 ECTS)
- Industrial Organization (6 ECTS)
- Innovation and technological change (6 ECTS)
- International business management (6 ECTS)
- International Finance (6 ECTS)
- Labor law and social security (6 ECTS)
- Markets Research (6 ECTS)
- Monetary and financial economics (6 ECTS)
- Optimization and simulation for business (6 ECTS)
- Planning and control management (6 ECTS)
- Positive accounting theory (6 ECTS)
- Supply chain management (6 ECTS)
- The engines of growth: innovation, institutions, and human capital (6 ECTS)
Exchange programs
The Erasmus program permits UC3M first-degree and post-graduate students to spend one or several terms at one of the European universities with which UC3M has special agreements or take up an Erasmus Placement, a work placement or internship at an EU company. These exchanges are funded with Erasmus Grants which are provided by the EU and the Spanish Ministry of Education.
The non-European mobility program enables UC3M degree students to study one or several terms in one of the international universities with which the university has special agreements. It also has funding from the Banco Santander and the UC3M.
These places are offered in a public competition and are awarded to students with the best academic record and who have passed the language threshold (English, French, German, etc..) requested by the university of destination.
- QS World University Rankings Top 50 Under 50
- 35th spot worldwide and ranked 10th in Europe, on QS Top 50 Under 50 Ranking
- 35th spot worldwide and ranked 10th in Europe, on QS Top 50 Under 50 Ranking
- QS World University Rankings
- 319th position on the QS World University Rankings 2024
- 319th position on the QS World University Rankings 2024
- QS World University Rankings Subjects Rankings
- Among the world’s best universities in 13 academic fields, according to QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023
- Among the world’s best universities in 13 academic fields, according to QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023
- QS Graduate Employability Rankings
- Among the 136 best universities in the world for employability, according to THE’s Global University Employability Ranking 2022
- Among the 136 best universities in the world for employability, according to THE’s Global University Employability Ranking 2022
Program Outcome
The overall objective of the Degree in Business Administration is to train people who can create their businesses. Also, be able to play any kind of role in the field of leadership and management in companies or other public or private agencies. To meet this objective, a student who completes a Degree in Business Administration should be able to approach any problem with scientific rigor, using all the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed in the field of study of Business Administration.
Based on this objective, the overall profile of the graduate in Business Administration degree allows you to:
- Identify business initiatives
- Manage and administer companies or other public or private institutions
- Integrate in any functional area of an organization
- Solve problems in direction and management
- Perform tasks of advisory and business consulting
The student has a sufficiently wide range of electives to specialize in the following profiles:
- Financial Accounting Management
- General Organizational Management
- Marketing Management
Even the student can follow a methodological specialization to enable him to pursue a scientific career in the future.
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
Graduates of the degree can carry out their professional activities in the following areas:
- Head of personal administration
- Marketing Manager
- Export manager
- Head of training and development
- Product Manager
- Marketing director
- Director of communication
- Quality Manager
- Human resources manager
- Logistics director
- Purchasing manager
- Financial or securities analyst
- Risk analyst
- Real estate agent
- Actuary
- Auditor of accounts
- Internal auditor
- Export sales representative
- Strategic consultant
- Insurance broker
- Bank clerk
- Market research technician
- Corporate Social Responsibility Technician
- Local development Agent
- State commercial diplomates
- State insurance inspector
- Treasury inspector or technician
- Specialist in banking transparency and market conduct
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.