Universidade do Vale do Sapucaí (UNIVÁS)
Desire, initially, thank and praise God, in his mercy, has given me the grace of life and power, completed seventy, assuming be here with my colleagues, the mission we have been granted. That this mission, which now begins, God is always present and that his Holy Spirit enlighten us and give us the wisdom and humility to serve well to responsibility, austerity, dedication and zeal to our University of Sapucai Valley.
On this occasion, I pay my respects to all who preceded me in the management of this institution and who gave their invaluable contribution to its construction from the very beginning, when a group of envisioned dreamers and come true the creation of the first courses that gave rise to our University .
Over the years, each of who spent gave his decisive contribution, and, step by step, with perseverance, idealism and self-sacrifice, were protagonists of our history.
Honor and revere the past is more than a duty, but an absolute necessity, because only then can we live this grounded the experiences and the obtained achievements, of which we are heirs. The greatest legacy bequeathed to us is the commitment to the community in which we operate to offer a quality education to all who come here seeking knowledge to build their futures. This commitment we will not compromise, it make our flag and the raison d'être of our work.
A word of thanks to Professor Benedito Afonso Pinto June for accepting the invitation to be together in this mission. His recognized experience as a teacher and academic administrator will be extremely useful, and I am absolutely sure that he will be next to me in the decisions that we have to take, with wise counsel, his weight and his undeniable love for this University.
Manifesto also thank the teacher Andrea Domingues Antonio Homer Teachers Toledo Rock and William Newton Carrozza, who promptly welcomed more than an invitation, my call to make up the front line of our administration, occupying the functions of pro rectors. We will share the moments of joy and difficulties. It is possible that we come across in with adversities, harsh winds and raging waves. We may hear the songs of mermaid with intentions to make us sink. But do not let us shoot the obstacles, if any, is to be faced and overcome. The academic community and society expect us to hard work, commitment, integrity, prudence and dedication and this is the least we can offer in exchange for the trust in us is deposited.
We were elected under the aegis of "integration". We intend to make our integrated work and in harmony with the Higher Education Foundation of Sapucai Valley, which, through its president and executive board, has shown a Herculean effort to reverse an economic uncomfortable situation without giving back his eyes and their actions to the most pressing needs of our University. We want to propose a real integration between the Central Unit and Unit Fatima, as well as between the various courses that make up our institution so that it ceases to be fragmented into isolated compartments, but that the various sectors have to dialogue and complete a real sense of the university. That the foundations of the university, teaching, research and extension are intertwined and are fulfilled in the pursuit of the objectives to be achieved. But what paths to follow so that this integration actually takes place? I prefer the answer is given by the Spanish poet Antonio Machado: "Caminante, no hay ways, se hace camino al andar" - Walker, there is no path, the path is made by walking.
Employees and teachers, the most sincere thanks for the vote of confidence in us deposited. You, the dedication of each of the enthusiasm of all to continue starring in our history, depends on the success of our endeavor. We are together in the same boat and only will take you to a safe harbor if we are aware of the responsibility of each to do their part, with boldness, love of work, ethics and respect for the community to deliver up their children to our care.
My dear, students! You are the reason for all this. The objective of this University is to provide them an education that responds to their desire for social mobility and inclusion in an increasingly competitive labor market. Remembering Paulo Freire, we want to offer them a transformative education, which make them face their problems critically and reflectively. You should not be content to be a mere supporting this process, but active participants of our university, proud to wear and stamping on their shirts the name of UNIVAS. The enthusiasm and excitement of the young people are the key ingredients to leave no fading, the teachers and leaders, dedication and courage to face everyday difficulties. Allow us to share their dreams and ideals, awakening our ideals and dreams perhaps asleep. Let us be infected by the youth of you.
To my dear wife and my children Marilda Carlos Alexander, Ana Claudia, Ana Carla and Mauricio, my daughters Ana Luiza and Lidiane, my in-laws Marcelo and Everton, my gratitude for the constant encouragement and unconditional support. Às minhas netinhas Ana Giulia, Ana Clara e Isabela Maria, obrigado por fazerem mais alegres e barulhentos os meus setenta anos. It is the warmth of home, the living with the family, which replenish the energy to every morning of a new day, we are ready to work.
I extend my honor and my thanks to the families of my direct reports, the pro-rectors, which should, over the next four years to exercise the gift of tolerance for our absences.
Anyway, I want to thank all of those who honored us with their presence and tell them to wait for us-based management work, transparency, the principles of ethics, compliance with legislation and regulations and respect the dignity of all who make up the our beloved University of Sapucai Valley.
God is always with us and that allows us to be sowers of peace and harmony among all.
Thank you.
HISTORIC The University of Sapucai Valley (UNIVAS) is maintained by the Higher Education Foundation Vale do Sapucai (FUVS). It was founded on September 3, 1965, and throughout its existence has trained more than 10,000 professionals. It provides education in the Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels, always aiming at harmonizing the production of knowledge and development of skills of their students with the current demands of the labor market. Altogether there are 16 undergraduate courses, 33 Graduate Lato Sensu courses (specialization and MBA), 03 Master's and 01 PhD.
UNIVAS is located in the city of Pouso Alegre, in southern Minas Gerais, on the banks of two major highways of the country, the Fernão Dias Highway (BR-381) and Highway Juscelino Kubitschek (BR-459), strategic area of access to three major centers of production and consumption country (São Paulo, Belo Horizonte and Rio de Janeiro). The city is still one of the best quality indexes of life in Brazil. It is an industrial, commercial and educational center and is close to the Hidrominerais Resorts, Circuito das Malhas and Electronics Valley.
A great advantage of the education offered by UNIVAS in healthcare is to have a university hospital. The Hospital das Clinicas Samuel Libânio (HCSL) is a reference to 54 municipalities in the south of Minas Gerais and serves an estimated population of over 2 million and 600 thousand people. www.hcsl.edu.br UNIVAS. Excellence in Teaching. Training for Life.
- Pouso Alegre
Av. Cel. Alfredo Custódio de Paula, 320 CEP 37550-000 | Pouso Alegre | MG, , Pouso Alegre