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Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim Management
Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim


Gorzów Wielkopolski, Poland

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Oct 2023

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Management is a field of study that prepares you to work in many sectors of the economy (not only in Poland, but also abroad). By implementing the curriculum of the University of Business (WSB), it allows you to get acquainted with modern knowledge and acquire skills, e.g. in the field of economic, legal and sociological issues. Problems related to the functioning and management of a modern economic organization, its human and financial resources, logistics solutions and the implementation of business projects are subject to detailed analyzes. The university places emphasis on creativity, interpersonal skills, the ability to negotiate and work with the client.

Graduates find employment wherever there is a need for comprehensively educated employees, open to frequent changes. They work in various administrative divisions (finance, marketing, logistics and procurement, organization, human resources, management). The studies also prepare for starting and running your own business. Management is a universal direction. In every organization there is a need to employ employees with education in the field of management.

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